Do you know what your competitors are up to?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

You can keep track of your competitor’s next steps by maintaining a trademark watch.

A trademark watch monitors the trademark office register and lets you know when your competitor files a new trademark application.

Knowing your competitor’s new trademarks can be a useful inside tool to knowing your competitor’s next steps – what new brand names are they going to use? What new products will they be launching? What will their new labels look like?

  • We can keep track of any new trademarks that your competitors file in Australia and worldwide.

  • We can also monitor trademarks around the world and alert you if someone else tries to file a trademark that is the same or similar to yours in any country.

And it’s not as expensive as you think.


Protect your brand’s most valuable assets.


Do you need to review your Privacy Policy?


The end of innovation patents in Australia